Christmas 2023…

Christmas didn’t quite go as planned thanks to a stomach bug that made its way through a number of our family. But we embraced things anyway and still managed to have a few good days. On the 23rd Paxton opened his gift box from his foster mom and family in Korea and was very excited. He’s been eating the snacks every day since and loves all the toys. On the 24th we did a video call with Clint’s parents and the kids enjoyed opening their gifts. The younger 4 all got cameras and Leighton got a pixil lego set which he has had fun with. Only Caedmon and I made it to Christmas Eve service at church because no one else was feeling good. On Christmas morning the kids did their stockings still in their pjs and weren’t up super early, I told them nothing before 6AM, but I’m pretty sure they were awake long before that, they just waited till 6 to come downstairs. After a bit we did the rest of gifts with my parents while keeping our germs to ourselves and then had a very low key day with chicken soup. Everyone got a snorkle set because we are planning a big family vacation later in the year. While the sickness did put a damper on everything it was nice to just have no expectations and low key couple of days.